
Monday, October 22, 2012

Success Story

I love success stories. This man contacted me some time ago admitting that his behavour had been inappropriate and he needed help. I referred him to a therapist who I have seen myself and she is excellent. I sent X an email to find out how he was doing and this was his response.
Hi Caryl,


Thank-you so much for your email. I am fantastic. Therapy with Ann-MArie has been intensive but so worthwhile. I have overcome so much and by the Grace of God have put my demons to rest. I no longer feel anger, bitterness or any other negative emotion. It truly has been a tough but incredible journey. I have also become a reborn Christian which has helped me on this personal journey and I can only say miracles have happened and continue to happen. I am loving life and for the first time in many, many years I am happy and at peace with the world. I work on myself intensily everyday and make a daily commitment to never go back to where I was. I have truly let go of my past and no longer suffer from Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder... When I do have the occasional very, very minor wobble I have the full spectrum of tools to deal with situations. I am truly blessed to have gone to Mural and to have "met"you. I talk to men on a daily basis and help and encourage other men to learn to be better husbands, fathers, sons , friends and brothers.

I hope one day to meet you and thank-you in person for the nudge in the right direction.

God bless, XXX


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